For incoming students at U of T, there are numerous resources for sexual health on and off campus. Here, you can find a simple guide on some of the sexual and reproductive health services available in the GTA, which include contraceptive care and care surrounding sexually transmitted infections (STI).

St. George Campus

UTSG’s Health & Wellness Centre’s website writes that it offers “care and education concerning STIs.” The clinic also offers counselling with its physicians and nurses about various forms of birth control and offers non-emergency intrauterine device (IUD) insertions. Birth control and other contraceptive pills can also be purchased by debit or credit card, with prices ranging from $15 to $375.

In case of emergency, the clinic also sells Plan B — which can only be purchased after students consult with a doctor — and other emergency contraceptive pills (ECP), which can be taken up to 72 hours after intercourse. The clinic’s same-day copper IUD insertion service is currently paused because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For students who are pregnant — or think that they might be pregnant — the clinic offers resources and health care to assist in pregnancy. The centre’s Family Care Office also provides information and workshops involving family matters.

Apart from U of T’s services, Planned Parenthood Toronto is also located near the St. George subway station. Anyone can access birth control, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and STI testing, and pregnancy care at the clinic. Birth control pills are available at lower prices at Planned Parenthood.

Mississauga Campus

UTM’s Health & Counselling Centre offers health services such as counselling about birth control and STIs, pregnancy testing, and referrals. To access any of these services, students must first make an appointment by phone. U of T’s University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) or the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) is required for any appointments. Birth control and Plan B are available for $15 to $20 at the centre.

Apart from UTM’s health centre, people in the Peel region can also access sexual health care from Peel Public Health.

Scarborough Campus

UTSC’s Health & Wellness Centre offers many sexual health resources, such as counselling on birth control and STIs; human papillomavirus vaccinations; pap tests; and testing for pregnancy, STIs, and HIV. The centre also sells ECPs and hormonal birth control if prescribed by a doctor. Free condoms are also available at the centre. To access any service at UTSC’s Health & Wellness Centre, you must first make an appointment by phone.

Am I eligible for U of T’s health centres?

Any full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate U of T student who has paid their incidental fees is eligible for services at the health centres in all three campuses. Additionally, students in the Toronto School of Theology and School of Continuing Studies’ English Language program are also eligible.

Additionally, you must be located in Ontario to access any service, even if it is delivered virtually. You must also have valid health insurance coverage, such as OHIP or UHIP.

Students have access to all services during the academic year — fall, winter, and summer — for which they’ve paid their incidental fees. Hence, you’ll still be able to access service in the summer even if you’re graduating or aren’t enrolled in any summer courses. However, if you’re an English Language program student at the School of Continuing Studies, you’ll only have access for the duration of your course.

If you’re still unsure about whether or not you’re eligible to access these services, you can contact the Health & Wellness Centre at UTSG or UTSC, or the Health & Counselling Centre at UTM, and they can help you determine your eligibility.

How do I access U of T’s services?

To access an STI assessment or counselling, you must book an appointment in advance and fill out the clinic’s STI assessment form. You must then email it back to the centre.

To access IUD insertion services, you must also book an appointment and watch the video about taking birth control that’s featured on the clinic’s website. You must fill out the clinic’s IUD Insertion Patient History form, which you will have to bring to your appointment to avoid a cancellation or rescheduling.

If it’s your first time accessing any Health & Wellness Centre services, you must register as a new patient before booking any appointments. To do so, you must call the Health & Wellness Centre’s main phone number. After your call, you will receive a New Client Form via email, which you must complete and submit to finish registering as a new patient.

Make sure to bring your T-card and health card to any appointment.